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Varna Airport

Varna Airport


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Varna Airport

The project is situated in the immediate proximity of Varna Airport, facing the Varna Sofia highway. The area is 37 219 sq. m., the planned total built-up are being 80 000 sq. m. At a less than 2-kilometer distance from the site there will be built a road segment joining the Hemus and the Cherno More highways part of transport corridors 7 and 8 and an intermodal connection to Ruse and TRACECA.

The site is exceptionally suitable for a trade-industrial park, where various activities can be developed trade, logistics, administrative and service activities, industry. Its excellent location near the main thoroughfares and the Varna International Airport is a precondition for building an Expo and Congress Centre with showrooms and a hotel the perfect place for establishing long-term partnerships in a comfortable environment for work and leisure.

 Varna Airport location

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